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An unplanned pregnancy comes with lots of questions. Get the answers you’re looking for to make the best decision for your future.
Posts about: Education (2)
Natural Womanhood
We’ve all heard not to mess with nature, to learn to read the signs around us, and that natural...
Sex is a Choice… and that’s Sexy
Every day we have tons of choices to make. Some we don’t think about, others are difficult and some...
Natural Family Planning or Hormonal Birth Control
What is natural family planning? What is the difference between natural family planning and...
Five Facts about Fetal Development
Merriest of Christmases from our Birth Choice family to yours! The holidays are the absolute...
The Necessity of an Ultrasound before Making a Choice
Your pregnancy test was positive. Your heart is pounding and a million thoughts flood into your...
The Abortion Pill
What is the abortion pill? When is it sage to use? How does it work? In this blog, we'll answer...