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Options Counseling

Your Options. Your Choice.

You have the legal right to choose the outcome of your pregnancy. Birth Choice of San Marcos is committed to providing you with everything you need to make well-informed and practical decisions for your future.


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Considering an abortion? Get informed and ensure you know the medical details and potential long-term effects. It's a complex procedure with lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Confirm pregnancy viability with an ultrasound for safety, as procedures differ based on gestational age. Common topics discussed:


  • Different types of abortion procedures depending on the stage of pregnancy
  • Potential risks and side effects
  • Fetal development
  • When it's considered too late to have an abortion


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The thought of becoming a parent may seem overwhelming and difficult. Perhaps you lack the experience or confidence to parent effectively. Or maybe you need help with the resources to support you along the way. Resources we can offer:


  • Referrals for free or affordable Medical Care
  • Referrals for Housing Assistance
  • Referrals for Financial support services
  • Pre-natal and parenting education


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Beyond parenting or abortion, adoption is a viable option. It enables you to create a customized birth plan, preserving your life goals without risking long-term health. It provides a loving solution for birth mothers, babies, and adoptive families, with options for open, semi-open, or closed adoptions. Birth Choice offers resources for exploration when you're ready.


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"Birth choice has truly been an incredible place for me. They are so kind and professional in every area. They clearly explain my options and are sensitive and understanding. When I first came, I was measuring smaller than expected and had a follow-up appointment. Everyone welcomed me with open arms and was so kind and patient. A truly incredible place to start out our new and welcomed journey into parenthood. I couldn't be happier with my experience and will continue to attend the classes they offer once a week on various topics of parenthood."
Past Client | Testimonials

Searching for answers?

We're available to help on your own terms. Support is available through text, call, or in-person at our clinic. All with your confidentiality preserved.


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