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Does Abortion Hurt?

Does Abortion Hurt?

When it comes to abortion, there's a lot of misinformation out there, leaving many young women to wonder, "Do abortions hurt?" It's a valid concern, and getting the facts is essential. The truth is, the answer varies. It depends on your pain tolerance and how your body responds. Need answers now? Chat anonymously with a nurse for free, call or text us at (760) 374-8786.

Understanding Abortion Types: Chemical Vs. Surgical


First off, it's important to know that there are two primary types of abortion: chemical and surgical. Chemical abortions involve taking medication, such as the abortion pill, to end a pregnancy, typically within the first ten weeks. Surgical abortions involve a procedure at a medical facility to remove the fetus and placenta. This type of abortion is usually performed after the first ten weeks.

How Painful Are Abortions?

So, do abortions hurt? Well, the answer isn't a simple yes or no. With medical abortions, the experience can vary. Some women report cramping and discomfort similar to a heavy period, while others may experience more intense pain.

Surgical abortions, on the other hand, are performed under anesthesia, so the procedure itself shouldn't be painful. However, some women may experience cramping and discomfort afterward. 

Again, the physical pain you feel will mainly vary from person to person and from pregnancy to pregnancy.

What Are The Risks Of Abortion?


Like any medical procedure, abortion carries some potential risks. These can include infection, excessive bleeding, and, in rare cases, complications requiring follow-up care. Surgical abortions may also involve an incomplete abortion, needing further intervention, and accidental injury to nearby organs, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. In addition, it's important to note that undergoing anesthesia always carries some risks.


Additionally, medical abortions, known as the abortion pill, aren't always 100% effective, and you may remain pregnant. Also, if you’re considering a medical abortion, verifying your pregnancy with an ultrasound is crucial. Taking the abortion pill when you aren't pregnant or if you have an ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening.


Emotional Impact Of Abortion


Now, let's talk about the emotional aspect. It's normal to have a range of feelings before, during, and after an abortion.

Every woman's experience is unique, and there's no right or wrong way to feel. Some may feel relief, while others may experience sadness or feelings of loss and guilt. It may be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family, or a post-abortion health professional.


Is Abortion Legal In California?

Abortion laws vary widely by location, with some places allowing it and others heavily restricting or banning it. In California, abortion is legal. Contact one of our care experts for anonymous support and more information about the specifics of the laws in your area.


Post-Abortion Care And Support

After an abortion, taking care of yourself—physically and emotionally—is crucial. Finding support within a community that understands can help ease both physical discomfort and emotional strain.

Remember, you're not alone, and there are resources available to assist you. At Birth Choice, we provide free post-abortion care, regardless of when the abortion occurred.

So, the question "Do abortions hurt?" isn't just about physical pain—it's about the whole experience, including emotions, legality, risks, and care. Reach out anonymously to  (760) 374-8786 to speak with one of our care experts and learn the facts to help you make an informed decision.


A free, confidential consultation will allow you to confirm your pregnancy, estimate the progression of your pregnancy, and ask any questions you may have regarding abortion pills or procedures. 



American Pregnancy Association. "Abortion Procedures."

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. "What are the different types of abortion?"

Guttmacher Institute. "State Facts About Abortion."

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. "Facts About Abortion."

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