Every day we have tons of choices to make. Some we don’t think about, others are difficult and some are empowering! What is the foundation of each of your choices? We want to challenge you to face every choice you have with an educated foundation.
Here at Birth Choice we’re all about EMPOWERING everyone through EDUCATION!
So let’s talk about sex! Thankfully we live in a country where it is our individual choice to decide if and when we want to have sex. But this has a downfall too. Every time you choose to have sex with someone else you are also choosing to expose yourself to every person they have been with and exposed themselves to.
Superdrug survey reports that: men and women have an average of 7.2 sexual partners before settling down. More studies show that this average only seems to be going up with time. Okay, so maybe you’re thinking 7 people isn’t that many, but if you’ve had sexual relations with 7 people and all of them have had the same number of partners as you, the number gets exponentially bigger! That means the average American is exposing themselves to 127 people! Now that number sounds a little scarier than 7 doesn’t it? Here is a chart that explains this in more detail.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says, “There are about 20 million new cases of STDs each year in the United States. About half of these infections are in people between the ages of 15 and 24. Young people are at greater risk of getting an STD for several reasons” check out the CDC’s website to learn more about STDs. Okay so back to your choices… Choosing to have sex doesn’t sound so sexy after hearing about all the nasty things you’re exposing yourself to, huh? Check out our previous blog on sexual exposure.
The word sexy can also be defined as someone who is intriguing. Well, we all know the most intriguing people are those who oppose the norm. So if the average American will have sexual relations with 7.2 people you can STAND OUT in your own sexy way by choosing not to be another number on that statistic. Let me leave you with this: Sex is a CHOICE and that is SEXY!
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