Blog Listing
Helpful Articles
An unplanned pregnancy comes with lots of questions. Get the answers you’re looking for to make the best decision for your future.
How to Prepare for An Abortion Pill
If you're pregnant and thinking about using the abortion pill, there are important things to...
When Did I Conceive?
So, you might be pregnant, but when exactly did that happen, and how do you figure out who the...
How Is This Free?
Birth Choice of San Marcos offers free services to women who are pregnant or have faced an...
Will My Abortion Hurt?
When it comes to abortion, there's a lot of misinformation out there, leaving many young women to...
Consistency of Care
consistency over time produces growth
A wise person once told me, “consistency over time...
Birth Control Changes Your Body
We’re all guilty of taking something without doing any research or ignoring data that is available....
Change as You Step into Motherhood
As you’re sitting down in the bathroom looking at a positive pregnancy test so many feelings are...
Abortion Changes You
As we talked about in our last blog, there are many challenges that can lead men and women facing...
The Challenges That Can Change a Pregnancy Decision
Pregnancy is a life changing event! Whether it’s planned or unplanned finding out you’re pregnant...