“Can you believe this crazy time we are living in? I feel as if everyone is salsa dancing between the fear of apocalypse and rolling our eyes every time we turn on our televisions.
As a mom of a saucy three year old and the sweetest chunk of a 10 month old… I have consistently found myself looking into their sweet little eyeballs and asking God to help me keep them safe. Help me use this time at home to its fullest. Play, pray, teach, rest, eat, and repeat every day. Can one feel rested and exhausted at the same time?
I have taped toilet paper rolls to my wall, turned a tarp into a castle, and painted our fence in bids to entertain my daughter. You see, usually she and I TEAR up this county. Zoos and parks galore. She’s used to high intensity action packed weeks. And now the mailbox is considered action!
And yet… I want to tell you what has happened thus far, a few weeks in. A storm has calmed in my heart. I am confident any parent reading can sympathize when I say I always question whether I am doing enough. Whether I am doing it right. I took her to Disneyland again that’s fulfilling right??? She learned how to say Gorilla today at the zoo, that’s education right???
Sure, she did. We had blasts, and we will again. But these few weeks? They have been a very fiddly gift from Him. That feeling or racing, of time and pressure to do, to go, to see things at the right time and place and plan for every detail evaporated leaving me alone long enough to realize I am enough and I am doing it right. (Also, she has gifted me with observations from her three year old eyes. Like the fact that fish don’t have chins. Do what you will with that tidbit?)
I am doing it right when I say yes, the 987th “Mommy can you look at this!?” or “Mommy can you help… Can you find… I’m hungry…” I am doing it right by being present.
I hope if you are a parent, you experience this feeling. Because feeling like I am enough for these babies will ground me during these awkward and uncertain times. They don’t care if the zoo is closed. Or if our Hawaii trip gets cancelled.
They care that I am present for them. (With Veggie Straws of course.)
Written by guest contributor & friend of Birth Choice: Jade Asbill
Jade is a 29 years old homemaker, mommy to a 3 year old human tornado & a 10 month old loveable chunk, wife to a computer game creator, and an essential oil loving sewing novelist.
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