A father’s involvement is more important than it seems. Whether or not a father is involved it can impact a child’s life, for better or worse!
Positive Benefits of father involvement
By being actively involved you can shape your children with good values and demonstrate real love. Here are some positive benefits to your child:
- Children will form healthy, strong relationships in life.
- Less likely to form bad habits such as- drugs and alcohol.
- Less likely to develop behavioral and emotional problems.
- Excel in school.
Negative Impacts from no father involvement
Children without a good role model involved in their life are more likely to struggle in life and deal with:
- Drug & Alcohol abuse.
- Physical and Emotional Health Issues
- Ex. aggressive behavior, depression, suicidal
- Do poorly in school.
- More likely to drop out
- More likely to go to jail.
- Risk of teen pregnancy.
How can I be more involved?
You may feel like you are present for your children, but it is important that you ensure you are giving your children the quality time they need and desire from you, not just being "present". If you’re currently not spending quality time with your children, it’s time to step up in being an active father figure.
Spending time with your children doesn’t have to be extravagant, they’ll appreciate the one-on-one time that you give them. Here’s some ideas you can partake in with your children:
- Tell them stories from when you were their age
- Partake in their interests/hobbies. Ex. painting, playing video games, etc.
- Share your interests and hobbies too!
- Play board games or card games (or create your own game)
- Set up fieldtrips with them. Ex. going to the zoo together (or look up free virtual field trips online)
- Read books to them
- Have a scavenger hunt
Remember that giving the quality time that your child deserves not only benefits them in their future, but also creates memories for them that they will never forget.
Heritage House. (2022). Being a man: protector & Leader. Snowflake, AZ; Heritage House.
The consequences of fatherlessness. National Center for Fathering. (2022, October 24). https://fathers.com/the-consequences-of-fatherlessness/
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