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Is it Really Love? The Choice is Yours!

Is it Really Love? The Choice is Yours!

Is it really love? How do we know what love is? In our blog this month we want to take a look at some of the characteristics that reflect a LOVING relationship! At Birth Choice, we see people in varying relationship status’. Whether they’re single or a couple, happy with their relationship or struggling in it; we are here to help people develop the qualities that enhance their current relationship or provide the insight to know what to look for in the future.

“Relationships grow on a continuum and are always either becoming healthier or unhealthy, sometimes even abusive”, as said by Live On Point. In a healthy relationship we can see: mutual respect, trust, honesty, support, equality, patience, separate identities, and good communication. In contrast, unhealthy relationships are often filled with: jealousy, fear, possessiveness/controlling behavior, verbal criticism, social isolation, violent behavior, drugs, alcohol, broken promises, and sexual abuse ( If you want to experience love, it’s time to evaluate your current interactions with those in your life. Any relationship – whether a friendship or more, impacts all other relationships. Are those in your life, positively or negatively impacting you? How can you grow to become a more positive individual and love others better?

Growth in Healthy Relationship

If your relationship is in a healthy place to begin with, then you’re headed in the right direction to experiencing true love. However, this doesn’t mean it’s always going to be easy. Love is something that takes work – lots of it, and it can be hard!! Healthy relationships require balance and boundaries. Many times, healthy relationships begin as solid friendships! This can have a huge impact on the strength and length of the relationship between the two people. Healthy relationships should empower you! You should be able to be your truest self and feel comfortable around your partner even when you are at your worst.

What about an Unhealthy Relationship?

We want you to know this is not something you have to settle for and you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel supported and respected. Unhealthy relationships do not value the individual and can be far more harmful to stay in rather than ending them when they are identified. Recognizing that you are in an unhealthy relationship is just the first step. We at Birth Choice want to empower you to make an informed decision about your choices and who you are in a relationship with. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, tell someone you trust and get the help you need.

As far as abuse, know that this is not normal nor is it something you have to accept, no matter how much time you have spent or the attempts you have made to bring about change. Most abusers aren’t going to change their behavior and this is a relationship you need to get out of. Love should not hurt!

Relationships are difficult and require work and effort on both sides. You cannot fix another person! Take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings, and actions and know that true love is self-sacrificing, respectful, and takes time to develop.

We want you to experience love in the context of a healthy and happy relationship! We would love to walk with you in this journey and answer any questions or just be a listening ear if you need someone safe to talk to. At Birth Choice, our trained Client Advocates are available Monday-Friday, 9-5 to get to know you and your situation and provide you with resources to help you make the best decisions regarding your relationships! We think you are awesome for learning more about healthy relationship and we hope these resources will help you in the future!

Birth Choice Mobile Clinic and Care Center


References: “Make an Impact.” Make an Impact | Live on Point,

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